Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer Break Begins

It's June 9th and where do I start.

Annabelle is almost 20 months, and Benjamin just had his 5th birthday (pictures to come).
We kept it simply, hot dogs with chips and veggies. Grampa made it up from Adrian, with his condition I don't know when is the last time I will see him. It was so nice to see him, and I was excited to show him our house. (We just bought it the day after Christmas.)

Today was the official 1st day of Summer Break.
We went swimming, painted canvas bags for the library, played games (in the air conditioning), and had fun. In between contacting the credit union about getting our van today. Yup, we got a mini van. It's a Honda Odyssey, the only van Brian wanted us to get. It's paid for, plated, insurance and the government got their part. I will post a picture of that later too.

We are in the process of remodeling our house, little by little. As I update/redo a room I will post pictures. Yeah, that sounds good. Before and after pictures. I get embarrassed about the before, but I like to compare after.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

COngrats on the new van. Post some pics! I've heard the Honda Odyssey is great.