Thursday, June 26, 2008

Monday June 23; The Hot Dog Story

I was running around getting groceries after I feed the kids dinner, and the last stop was Walmart. It was a quick one, just checking on the price of single serve chips. I proceeded pass the coolers of food and browsed over and saw $1.50 Oscar Meyer hot dogs. (Not a bad price.) Then my eye lite up when I saw a package of Cheese Dogs displayed in the cooler. (I love cheese dogs). I figured someone layed them there by mistake, usually cheese dogs are more expensive. Then I noticed a entire row of cheese dogs, they must be on sale, they were even marked $1.98, which isn't a bad price for Oscar Meyer Cheese Dogs. I picked up two.
I checked out and they both scanned $2.50. What the hoo-haa? Okay, recap, Oscar Meyer Cheese Dogs are marked $1.98, scanned $2.50, and were in the $1.50 cooler. Anyway the marbles shake I get the scanning law ($5.00 for me). Walmart gave them to me for $1.98 each.
Here's the fun part:
Anna saw the hot dogs and screamed in excitement, so naturally (like any good mother) I let her hold the hot dogs on the short ride home. It maybe takes 5 minutes to get home. While 5 minutes is long enough; for her. We arrived home, I opened the sliding door and found hot dogs all over. She chewed the bottom of the hot dog package open, and managed to eat 1 1/2 and was holding the other 1 1/2 in her hands and showed no signs of stopping. Wow, I knew the kids would like cheesey hot dogs, but I never would have guessed. Thank goodness she didn't do that in the store.

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