Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Landing after the Holidays

I love Christmas and the joy of seeing the family, cooking and eating fun and exciting new recipes, opening presents, and the fun on everyone's faces. After Christmas I feel is a crash landing, especially with the first snow storm. I have winter depression, or depression that worsens in the winter, so the snow accumliation weighs on me.
Christmas Eve we awoke to a broken water pipe in the basement and a good 2 inches of water on the floor. Guess how we spent Christmas Eve? Cleaning the basement. It didn't look like much, until we started and couldn't stop. We did break and let the kids open their Christmas presents. We started a tradition about 3 years ago. Brian has Christmas Eve off and we don't do anything so we let the kids open their Christmas presents. On Christmas Day they get 3 presents from Santa representing the 3 wise men and the 3 presents they brought Jesus on Christmas Day. Then off to Mom and Dad's we go for Christmas. The kids did good on playing with their Christmas toys while Brian and I cleaned the basement. The kids argued at one point, I broke a piece of furniture, and got so overwhelmed I broke down in tears. It was time for me to get a timeout!
Needless to say we got a hold of the insurance company on Monday December 29th because the office was closed Dec 24-28th. When I talked to my insurance lady she said if I stayed on the phone the message would have told me about emergency clean up. What the heck? I have never had an insurance claim and didn't know how to deal with it. Live and learn, that's all I can do.
We managed to re paint the kitchen cupboards and Brian made me doors, since some smart-butt took the cupboard doors when they moved out of this house and we can't buy new kitchen cupboards. I need to touch up the paint and we need to apply the handles and then I will post the before and after picture. Let me remind you before hand we are on a limit budget and can not afford a new kitchen so we will make due with what we have.
House project after house project is what we do, and when we take a break it stresses us out because so much needs to be done.
Any de-stressers or advice for house projects?
Has anyone every asked another couple to help with a project and then went to their house and help them? Kind of a house project swap.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I can't wait to see pics! Sorry your CHristmas Eve had such bad luck! Hopefully insurance will cover all the damages.

I've totally been thinking a project swap is a great idea... Ry's been helping out soem friends at their houses, and I've been encouraging him to do so so that when we have a project we have someoen to call on to help us out. I think swapping with another couple is a great idea. Maybe next summer we can swap? We don't have much time during the school year with Ry being in classes at night, but the summer would be an awesome time!