Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's Hard To Hear the Truth

Why is it that it is hard to hear the truth? And sometimes it comes better from one person than another.
Brian and I have been studing the Fireproof Your Marriage Couples Kit. (We loved the movie) Every Tuesday night him and I sit down together and have discussions. Some of them feel like a pin pick to me, and others are eye openers. I say nothing negative, sometimes I can't say anything I'll let his words soak. I really believe as we are following the instructions and guidelines we are learning so much, even after 7 years!
I have noticed a major difference in my husband. I have been up early, really early for me (5:20) to watch my nephew the last two days and he gets up after that and he is made the bed. A thoughful gesture for someone who doesn't normal do it. When he gets home from work he is really considerated of my feelings. I know he may not agree, but he doesn't show it.

What are somethings that make your marriage better?
What date nights do you enjoy?
Do you vacation for our anniversary?

1 comment:

Finders Fee said...

Lately, my hubby and I have been catching up on dvds that we watch in bed after the kids go to sleep.

It's cozier than watching in our living room, and we feel like we're spending more quality time since we're watching tv, movies and playing on the laptop in bed as we wind down together. ;)