Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What's in your Laundry?

I was doing laundry yesterday and while removing my son's clothing from the washing machine I found lots of surprises including; a pinecone, stick, giant rock, and money. Not to mention what I pulled out of his pockets before the wash. The bad news is that I was folding his clothes this morning and found a giant rock still in his pocket, this rock must have been 3 pounds and 5 inches long. I wonder if he walked lop-sided?
As the laundrier of this family I find lots of odds and ends in the washing machine/dryer. I have found white gloves (from Brian's work), mustard packets, ketchup packets, gum, gum wrappers, money (it's never much), rocks, and salt packets.
What have you found?
Join in and leave a comment; that way I don't feel alone in the laundry world.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Laundry...gah! I feel like I've been doing laundry non-stop for the past week. I finally get caught up and then itpiles up on me again. Our dryer is also broken (no heat... but it tumbles!) so I've been hanging clothes out on the line. Super "eco-green" of me, don't you say? LOL!