When is enough enough? If you haven't read; Tuesday June 24
th, my son and the hamsters, start with that posting first, then continue with this.....
Wednesday I had 6 kids running around the house, and they found the hamsters. I told them not to play with them, but they are kids. One of them, I can't pin point which one, was playing with the hamster and when they were done didn't put it in the cage, instead they let it loose in the basement. I didn't notice until Friday morning, I was mad. I was on a wild hamster hunt, was it dead or alive? After looking for a couple hours I set out food and went on with my day. I check the "stash" that night, some food was gone but no luck seeing the hamster. (Some relief knowing the hamster was alive.)
Last night, Saturday, around 11 I was hunting with a flashlight in the dark basement for the hamster, and there she was sitting in the corner under a folding chair staring at me. She didn't flinch or jump or move when I picked her up. The other hamster was delighted to see her and she jump right into her hamster wheel and ran. I thought she was happy to be home. Today I was getting ready to clean the cage and I noticed there was only one hamster, gosh dang it! I don't know how she got out, and Ben wasn't downstairs since I found her. Does she not like her cage? How is she getting out? Is this weird? Please leave any comments to help.
Thanks in advance.