Monday, August 11, 2008

Anna's Nap

At church yesterday my sweet little Anna was being rocked in morning nursery and asked to get down. She proceeded to walk over to the beds, crawl in, and go to sleep. She doesn't take naps until after lunch and she doesn't usually ask (she has a couple times).
After church we went to mom and dads for the auction of my grandfathers "stuff". I played with her outside for an hour and then tried to lay her back down. Not a peep, I figured she wasn't feeling good if she was sleeping again.
Two hours later I leaned my ear againist the door and no sound. I didn't want to touch the door knob, that usually wakes her up and I didn't want to wake her if she wasn't feeling good. So I let her sleep.
Mom checked on her an hour later. Still sleeping.
I checked about an hour after that, but I had to open the door to check on her. She was still asleep, but her bare buns were hanging out and the smell of "number 2" filled my nostrials. She pooped, took the diaper off, plopped it on the floor, ripped some wall border off, tried to get comfortable and went to bed.
Eventually Ben went in the bedroom and woke Anna up, of course it was while I was eating dinner. So I pushed my plate up (told it I would be back), grabbed Anna and proceeded with a bath. She felt like she may be warm, but the therometer didn't think so. She still went to bed great last night, and is doing fine this morning.

Have your kids ever picked off wall paper or wall border?
Have your kids tried to change there own diaper?
Do you kids love the feeling of fresh air?

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