Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Babies are Growing Up

I was talking to another mom the other day and we were talking about Anna going to preschool. I looked up online and found that she is able to go to 3 year old preschool this year. It is the local school district. I talked to another mother and she said the school charges for 3 year olds to go to preschool. Has anyone ever heard this, if I live in the school district can the school charge for my child to go to preschool?
My other child....
I received a phone call from Ben's school last week. They left a message with the babysitter (I was attending the garage sale at moms). They said it wasn't an emergency, but for me to call them. When I called them they told me Ben was bit by a little girl in his class and was sent to the office for ice. There wasn't any marks, but they just wanted to call and let me know. I tried to ask Ben about it when he got home, but it was no big deal to him. I pretty much had to remind him that it happened. Have your children ever gotten hurt at school or daycare? Did you do anything?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Porter is going to preschool this fall as well. And, yes, our local district charges. I think its $135 for 2 or 3 half days a week. I'm sending him to Little Lambs mainly because its half the price LOL! He'll go for 2 years so next year I'll be a little pickier about the curriculum etc.