Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Always Has a Plan

We always think we know best. And when our plans blow-up in our face we ask God "Why?"
The last few days I have been shown several different times that God Always Has a Plan.
Today, we were eating lunch and I kept telling Ben faster, faster, we're going to miss the bus. He has a zip up hooded sleeveless sweatershirt with nothing underneath, and shorts. I thought it was too cold for today, therefore we still needed to change him before catching the bus.
I changed him, grabbed Anna and shoes and applied them while running to the bus stop.
Who knows what happened, but we waited for 5 minutes and no bus. So I wrote it off as a "missed bus".
We walked back to the house where Ben shut the front door, and locked us out. Great! I searched the garage for a hide-a-key (which seems to be hidden from me a lot). I eyes were welling with tears, me blood was starting to boil, and stress was rising. After searching for what felt like hours I found a key. Which door.... who cares as long as it works. BINGO, I was in.
I grabbed my purse and off we were to the school.
We arrived before all the busses (of course), and waited in the office (I was told we had too.) I heard a dog bark and me being nosy leaned over and saw Mrs. McAlpine (the principal) brings her cocker spaniel to work everyday. He was so cute, he is almost 1 year old. Petting this cute, soft puppy helped relief some stress. Soon after the teacher picked up Ben and Anna and mom were off.
I decided to stop at the week old garage sale down the road from the school and found a Nintendo DS for Ben. I purchased the system with house charger, car charger, and a game for $50. What a steal. It's a Christmas present, hopefully I can wait.
So today God has shown me that he has a plan and let me tell you his plan is much better than ours!!

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