Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Whole World's, Upside Down

Life is bringing me some challanges and my whole world feels upside down.
These challanges include:
Mother Nature coming two weeks early this month (WTH I'm on bc)
Our renters having trouble paying rent, and giving 30 days.
My health, from strep to head colds to the flu.
Medical bills diagnosing different health problems
An extra family member living in our house
The image stareing back at me in the mirror.
Okay, I know I have depression (no, I haven't been to the doctor to be put on something; I'm on too much already and have another prescription waiting when I'm done with the ones I'm on). Any suggestions to help a depressed woman are greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Diaper Deals

As most of you know I love to shop, but it's very important if I shop that I get a great deal.
Well, today I am share a couple diaper deals with you.
Coupons.com has two coupons.
1 for $5 off on Huggies Gentle Care package of diapers
1 for $3 off on Huggies natural Fit package of diapers
You can print two of each.
(rumor is these coupons work on any huggies diapers)
Also another website, you'll have to use the link, you can print $3 off Kroger Comfort Diapers/Pants. Kroger has these diapers on sale this week for $5.99; making them $2.99 after the coupon. I believe you can print two also.
Keep in mind if you have more than one computer in your house you should be able to print two coupons from each IP address!
Here's the link for the Kroger coupon:

(hopefully it works)

Baby Itch

Three of my friends from high school are now expecting, Leslie, Carrie and Maria.
Maria with her 1st child, Leslie with her second, and Carrie with her third.
Lately I have been getting the baby itch. (Anna is almost 29 months old).
Brian and I were blessed to have a boy and a girl. Several people ask us if we are done, being that we have one boy and one girl. I wonder why that means we should be done. Maybe they are trying to tell us, 3 is more than we can handle; or we aren't the worlds best parents.
I have stuck with the information that we are not sure if we are done having children. I enjoy my nights that I can sleep through with waking to feed a baby and the fact my children are old enough to listen to me (it doesn't mean they do, but they can).
How do you know when you are done having children?